HomeAudioAll4Access App Information

All4Access App Information

The All4Access app may be used by those seeking audio descriptions and ASL translation to accompany our films. This year, Superfest partnered with the DiCapta Foundation, which provided audio descriptions for the majority of our films and ASL video translation for all films at the Sunday screening. While Superfest used to play all films with open audio descriptions, we learned that our effort to bring access to low-vision and blind users created an access barrier for others with sensory-processing disabilities. We are optimistic that the All4Access app will allow access without compromising the quality of the viewing experience thanks to the app’s live-synching methods. We invite your feedback afterward, as access is always a work in progress with room for growth.

iOS Access

Download and Setup

  1. Download All4Access from the App Store to your mobile device using the following link https://apps.apple.com/es/app/access4all/id1536730896.
  2. When you open the app for the first time, the app will ask you for permission to Access your Microphone. Select OK.
  3. The app will also show a notification to access braille line settings. If you are not a Braille user, select No. Otherwise, go to the settings and adjust them to your preference.

Using All4Access

  1. Play the programming on your computer, or another device (or wait for the live film screening to begin if you are joining us in person). Ensure the programming volume is adequate and avoid other noises as possible.
  2. Select “Start” on the app.
  3. Select “Sync.” You will see a “Wait, please” button while the system finds a match for the programming.
  4. Once All4Access identifies the programming, it will show a list of available options. Select the option you want to use and enjoy the programming.

Android Access

Download and Setup

  1. Download the All4Access from the Google Play Store to your mobile device using the following link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dicaptafoundation.access4all&hl=es&gl=US.
  2. When you open the app for the first time, the app will ask you for permission to access photos and media on your device and to record audio. Select “Allow” in both cases.
  3. The app will also show a notification to set up your accessibility options for braille displays. If you are not a Braille user, select “No.” Otherwise, go to the settings and adjust them to your preference.

Using All4Access

  1. Play the programming on your computer or another device (or wait for the live film screening to begin if you are joining us in person). Ensure the programming volume is adequate and avoid other noises as possible.
  2. Select “Start” on the app.
  3. There will be a series of instructions to optimize synchronization on the synchronization screen. Select “Sync.” You will see a “Cancel” button while the system finds a match for the programming. You can cancel at any time and return to the previous screen.
  4. Once All4Access identifies the programming, it will show a list of available options. You can go up and down the list by sliding your finger up and down the screen. Select the option you want to use and enjoy the programming.

About All 4Access
All4Access is a technology created by Dicapta and the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, funded in part by the U.S. Department of Education.

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Pranaya Poudel
Pranaya Poudel
Pranaya Poudel, a contributor to superfestfilm.com, is not only an avid movie enthusiast but also a dedicated writer with an inherent passion for delivering top-notch content. His love for cinema is evident in the meticulous attention he pays to both movies and TV shows during his leisure time.

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  • Passionate team leader and Hollywood enthusiast at Superfestfilm.
  • Highly skilled in team management and staying updated on Hollywood's latest developments.
  • Committed to maintaining Superfestfilm as a premier source for Hollywood and related topics.


Proven team leader with a track record of overseeing content creation at Superfestfilm. In-depth understanding of industry dynamics, trends, and audience preferences. Proficient in content editing, ensuring articles resonate with readership interests.




All4Access App Information


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