Superfest is an international leader in modeling accessibility. We’ve thought long and hard about how we can make Superfest an enjoyable and streamlined experience for each and every one of our festival-goers. They can head to Superfest without needing to make a “special request” for audio description, captioning, or ASL. For once, it’s all taken care of.

Open audio description
Open captions for all live dialogue
ASL interpretation for all live dialogue
Audience-integrated wheelchair seating
Close-up seating for people with low vision
Seating for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing in close proximity to an ASL interpreter and captioning
A chemical-free / Scent free area set back from the rest of the audience (prior to our event the venue used no chemicals to clean the facilities and stocked the restrooms with unscented soap)
A quiet space
Gender neutral restrooms
Easy access to public transportation including BART and MUNI
Ramp access to the stage
Separate screening room without audio description

If you need additional access, contact beitiks@sfsu.edu.

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Pranaya Poudel
Pranaya Poudel
Pranaya Poudel, a contributor to superfestfilm.com, is not only an avid movie enthusiast but also a dedicated writer with an inherent passion for delivering top-notch content. His love for cinema is evident in the meticulous attention he pays to both movies and TV shows during his leisure time.

Expertise: Team Leadership Trend Research


  • Passionate team leader and Hollywood enthusiast at Superfestfilm.
  • Highly skilled in team management and staying updated on Hollywood's latest developments.
  • Committed to maintaining Superfestfilm as a premier source for Hollywood and related topics.


Proven team leader with a track record of overseeing content creation at Superfestfilm. In-depth understanding of industry dynamics, trends, and audience preferences. Proficient in content editing, ensuring articles resonate with readership interests.


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