Saturday 12:00 PM – The Freight and Salvage, Berkeley

Open audio description.

Gaslit – Best of Festival Short

Australia, 2018 (Dramatic Short, 9 min)

A young woman looks off-screen as people’s hands touch her face and upper body. The people’s faces are not in the frame.

A young disabled woman fights to hold on to her identity in the face of the world’s assumptions and strives for independence from her parents, who doubt her ability to
become a mother.

Deaf Jam

USA, 2011 (Documentary Feature, 53 min) 

A young woman is captured using sign language with her eyes closed. She wears minimal eye makeup and has a few ear piercings. She wears a zip-up hoodie and shirt underneath.

Aneta Brodski, a deaf teen living in New York City, discovers the power of American Sign Language poetry. As she prepares to be one of the first deaf poets to compete in a spoken-word slam, her journey leads to an unexpected collaboration.

Song For Rent, After Jack Smith

United States, 2018 (Dramatic Short, 5 minutes) 

A person wears large red sunglasses, red lipstick, a red dress, and red gloves and holds flowers and a spatula.

Shot on 16mm film and with a loop of Kate Smith singing “God Bless America” in the background, in this adaptation of a 1969 film by Jack Smith, Barbarella Bush joins Rose Courtyard – a drag character based on Rose Kennedy – in a campy exploration of US hegemony, queer assimilation, and queer disruption.

Carlotta’s Face

Germany, 2018 (Animated Short, 5 minutes)

The illustration is mostly black. In the right upper corner of the image, a small, animated figure, with a large poof of red hair, is seen and surrounded by white that fades into black. Its shadow is seen in the white space of the image.

As a child, Carlotta didn’t expect the people around her to have faces. She even didn’t recognize her own face. This animated short shares her journey as she learns about her differences through isolation and cruelty until she later finds that art offers her a way to recognize herself.

Invalid Corps

USA, 2018 (Dramatic Short, 28 minutes)

A montage of American war-themed images overlay each other. A few men are in colonial war attire and play the drums. An old train is decorated with American flags. A faded eagle on an American flag is centered in the photo.

In July 1864, Confederate General Jubal Early launched a surprise raid that took him to the very gates of Washington DC. The city is in a panic. Almost every able-bodied soldier from the Union Sunday 11:00 AM – The Contemporary Jewish Museumad had already been sent south for the siege of Petersburg, more than 100 miles away.

The only defenders remaining are clerks, government officials, and the Invalid Corps. Made up of men injured in battle or by disease, these “hopeless cripples” must hold out for a desperate 24 hours until Union General Grant can send reinforcements.

With Lincoln himself on the ramparts, they cannot afford to fail.

The Gallery- Juror’s Choice

UK, 2018 (Dramatic Short, 8 min)

A painted portrait of a young-looking man in an intricate frame on a wall of a gallery. He wears a black tuxedo and tie.

At an audition, Maya becomes part of an absurd cycle and loses track of who she’s performing for and why. The Gallery is a narrative short that explores how some marginalized groups can be shut out of cultural institutions, and how they can feel pressured into perpetuating a system that doesn’t appear to be working in their favor.

Sunday 11:00 AM – The Contemporary Jewish Museum

Open audio description / no audio description screening room available upon advanced request.

Chin Up – P.K. Walker Innovation in Craft Award

UK, 2018 (Documentary Short, 4 minutes)

An animated woman holds her hand raised and in a balled fist. She has short bangs, large eyes, and a button-up short-sleeve shirt. Next to her is text that reads, “You know what? I’m going to go for it.”

Throughout her childhood, JoAnne loved to draw herself as a heroic character to escape the insecurity and feeling of being different that came with her condition. However, JoAnne never drew her facial features any differently to fit the scene of a heroic warrior or mystical mermaid. This animated documentary touches on poignant milestones that have impacted JoAnne and made her the strong woman that she is today.

Late Afternoon

Ireland, 2017 (Animated Short, 9 minutes)

An animation of a young girl running with a stick in hand along the beach and marking the sand with it. She wears a dress, knee-high socks, and flat shoes.

Emily finds herself disconnected from the world around her. She drifts back through her memories to relive different moments from her life. Emily must look to her past so that she may fully connect with the present. This animated, Oscar-nominated short offers an honest glimpse into the highs and lows of life with dementia.

Stinky Chicken Dog 2

USA, 2018 (Documentary Short, 13 minutes)

A number of different snapshots from the film like bubbles. In one, a person sits on their couch with a smile and holds a pillow that reads “Life is Better When I’m With My Dog.” Others of dogs and a cat.

New filmmaker Jenni Funk explores the complex and beautiful relationships between people with disabilities and their animals. She uses a speech-generating device to interview a service dog owner and a companion pet owner and tell her own story of a tense relationship with her formerly abused and traumatized pet Chihuahua (the stinky chicken dog) who is frightened of her movements and her voice.


Canada, 2019 (Dramatic Short, 5 minutes)

Two people in wheelchairs wear all black with only their arms and faces exposed. One of them holds their entire body and wheelchair as they hang themselves on a horizontal pole. The other is under the pole and watches the raised individual.

Choreographed, directed, and shot from disability perspectives, this dance-on-video short contrasts the playful connections when disability aesthetics, community, and a ramp meet the institutional histories and discordant inclinations that can lurk just below the surface.

The Penguin Who Couldn’t Swim

UK, 2018 (Animated Short, 5 minutes)

An animated penguin is sinking in a vast and empty ocean. There are bubbles forming above them.

This animated short, made by a disabled animator, follows the story of a penguin who lives on a rocky island in the southern seas where she feels isolated from the rest of her colony. 


France, 2017 (Animated Short, 9 min)

A human-like figure cut from a blank sheet of paper stands alone with wrinkled paper at its feet. A couple of paper trees are next to them.

A still, blank sheet of paper. A silhouette appears delineated beneath its surface. Here is our hero, TIS. He struggles and manages to free himself from the sheet of paper, but his feet remain attached to it. In the distance, he sees a crowd of beings similar to him. TIS tries to catch up with them but the sheet of paper he is attached to hinders his movements.

The Man of the Trees – Advocacy Award

Italy/Burkina Faso, 2018 (Documentary Short, 18 min)

A man is centered in a field of tall trees and holds a small sharp tool to cut the grass. He wears a hat and sits on his rear end as he works. His two legs are withered from polio.

Daniel Balima is a senior horticulturist from Tenkodogo, a small Sub-Saharan African town in Burkina Faso, where he lives with his large family and has worked since he was born 67 years ago. A polio survivor who walks on his hands, he inherits his father’s business running a nursery and has given life to more than a million trees during his life.

Sunday 2:00 PM- The Contemporary Jewish Museum

Without audio description / open audio description screening room available upon advanced request.

Are You Volleyball!?

Iran, 2018 (Dramatic Short, 15 min)

Three children sit in front of an adult whose face is not in the frame. The children’s hair and clothes are dusty and wrinkled. Two of the children are looking at each other with concerned faces. The third child holds their hands to their face as if they are looking through binoculars.

A story about asylum seekers displaced from war who live in limbo, hoping for a better home. They conflict with border soldiers every day till a deaf-mute child becomes a catalyst for better communication between the two groups.

CHUSKIT – Best of Festival Feature

India, 2018 ( Feature Film, 90 min)

A young girl sits between an older man and a woman. The adults are looking down at their laps with hunched shoulders. The young girl looks forward with a pouty mouth.

Sprightly Chuskit’s dream of going to school is cut short when she becomes a paraplegic after an accident. She’s confined to life indoors in the company of her strict grandfather, Dorje. Chuskit continues to harbor hopes of school but Dorje tries to make her understand that school can’t handle her needs. As life at home gets harder, her battle with her grandfather exacerbates. Caught in between their struggle are Chuskit’s parents and her enterprising brother who want to respect the old world views that Dorje represents, but also want to keep Chuskit’s spirit alive. Chuskit will have to get her grandfather to yield or she will have to accept the reality he has chosen for her.

Pranaya Poudel
Pranaya Poudel
Pranaya Poudel, a contributor to superfestfilm.com, is not only an avid movie enthusiast but also a dedicated writer with an inherent passion for delivering top-notch content. His love for cinema is evident in the meticulous attention he pays to both movies and TV shows during his leisure time.

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